Baltimore City Health Department
$219,310 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For support of ChildSightᆴ, a vision screening program for Baltimore City public middle school students for the 2000-2001 school year. The program, expanded to 41 schools, provides on-site refractive error eye examinations and eyeglasses to children who otherwise could not afford them.
Christopher Place
$175,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Three-year funding for Christopher Place Employment Academy’s support services for homeless men. The residential program includes classroom and individualized training for job readiness, adult education, and support for maintaining sobriety.
Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition, Inc.
$25,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For a revolving loan fund for the University of Maryland Baltimore County’s computer training course attended by the Rose Street Community Center’s drug treatment and job training participants.
Maryland Center for Arts and Technology, Inc.
$75,000 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
Challenge grant for relocation costs and expansion of welfare-to-work training programs. The center provides a 16-week training program, job placement, and job retention coaching for former welfare mothers required to move off the welfare rolls.
Southern Maryland Food Bank
$25,300 / 2000 / Health and Human Services
For the purchase of a refrigerated truck to transport perishable surplus and reusable food items from the Maryland Food Bank in Baltimore to the hungry in Southern Maryland.