Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Museum of Ceramic Art

$30,000 / 2004 / Arts
Toward costs of supplies, equipment, and teacher stipends for in-school and after-school ceramic art programs in 25 Baltimore City public middle schools for the 2004-2005 school year. The ceramics program, integrated into the core academic subjects, provides workshops and coaching for teachers, opportunities for teacher networking, year-end public art exhibits, and permanent installations of students’ work.

Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University

$5,000 / 2004 / Arts
For expenses in support of the symposium, “The Role of the Arts in Urban Revitalization.” The event’s focus was on the role of arts and culture as a force for improving the quality of life in cities.

The African-American Festival Foundation

$5,000 / 2004 / Arts
In support of the 2004 African-American Heritage Festival. Typically, the festival has attracted more than 475,000 people over a three-day period.

Arena Players

$5,000 / 2004 / Arts
Challenge grant for the purchase of new sound and lighting equipment for the longest-running African-American community theater in the country. By providing programs designed to preserve and present the African-American experience, the theater develops local artistic talent, cultivates minority playwrights, provides cultural enrichment, and advances cultural and professional opportunities for adults and young people interested in theater.

Arts Education in Maryland Schools Alliance

$10,000 / 2004 / Arts
Two grants for general support and development of arts education tool kits designed to integrate the arts into the curricula of Maryland public schools.

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