Job Opportunities Task Force
$30,000 / 2003 / Health and Human Services
For continued support to expand educational experiences for eligible prison inmates, establish linkages with employers receptive to hiring ex-offenders, advocate for dropout prevention strategies and recovery programs in non-traditional educational settings, and urge the simplification of forms of all income support programs, such as Medicaid and food stamps.
Recovery Network Foundation
$25,000 / 2003 / Health and Human Services
For renovation costs of a facility to be used as a transitional housing program for 15 uninsured and indigent addicted males in Baltimore City. The program will also address the medical, legal, occupational, vocational, educational and future housing needs of the residents.
Episcopal Housing Corporation
$27,200 / 2003 / Health and Human Services
For the development of Curry Oxford House, a residential treatment center for eight recovering male addicts, in Lafayette Square. The Oxford House model provides a structured environment and is democratically run, self-supporting, and drug-free. Each resident must have employment and pay weekly rent; if found to be using alcohol or drugs, the resident is asked to leave immediately.
Koinonia Baptist Church
$5,000 / 2003 / Health and Human Services
For support of Project Safe Haven, an after-school program for children in the South Charles Village, East Baltimore and Baltimore/Midway communities.
Rose Street Community Center
$150,000 / 2003 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of drug treatment and job training programs for 2003-2004. The Center supports job training, educational opportunities, after-school tutoring programs for neighborhood youth, and drug treatment programs. The Center also provides weekly stipends to participants to assist with living expenses while enrolled in self-help programs.