Maryland Food Bank
$100,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
Toward capital expenditures related to the renovation of an 87,000 square-foot warehouse to be used as the headquarters of Maryland’s redistribution center of surplus and reusable food. The food is donated by the food industry to more than 900 community food providers statewide, including soup kitchens, food pantries, emergency shelters, and school pantries. It is expected that the food bank will be able to increase the amount of food distributed by 30 percent within three years.
South Baltimore Emergency Relief, Inc.
$15,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
For partial funding of food pantry and energy assistance programs serving more than 150 clients per month.
Chase Brexton Health Services
$50,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
Capital funding for renovation costs of a facility at 10 West Eager Street to house the Intensive Outpatient Program (IOP) for substance-abuse treatment. Heroin is the drug of choice for approximately 45,000 people in Baltimore City; not surprisingly, the incidence of intravenous drug use among Baltimore City’s poor is high. The IOP addresses the multiple health needs of this high-risk population.
Maryland Society for Sight
$19,970 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of the Mobile Eye Care for the Homeless Expansion Program. The program’s van visits five locations each month and provides free eye examinations and glasses.
A Step Forward, Inc.
$35,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
In support of a residential program for men and women with histories of addiction released from prison and returning to society. A Step Forward manages five transitional houses for ex-offenders and operates as a certified halfway house.