Parks & People Foundation
$60,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
In support of the Hooked on Sports program for more than 1,100 Baltimore City public school students. The program, which includes lacrosse, baseball, volleyball, and soccer, provides opportunities for organized and safe after-school activity. Participants are required to maintain at least a C average and 90 percent attendance.
Baltimore Stars Coalition/AAU
$38,600 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
Four grants toward operating costs of the Baltimore Stars Basketball Program, serving 8- to 17-year-old inner-city boys. Formed as a cooperative effort among Baltimore City recreation centers, the coalition selects the players it feels are best qualified to represent Baltimore City in state and national competitions.
Housing Authority of Baltimore City
$108,800 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
Two grants providing security deposits and post-placement transportation assistance for the Special Mobility Housing Choice Voucher Program. This program is available to residents of public housing and applicants on the public housing/Section 8 waiting list; applicants must pass a criminal background check and be willing to move to a non-impacted area. Program counselors review participants’ credit histories and finances, encourage them to develop a savings plan, and help in the search for housing.
Planned Parenthood of Maryland, Inc.
$100,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
Capital funding for the renovation of a building at 330 North Howard Street, to create a restructured facility designed to house a downsized operation. The building will include space for Planned Parenthood’s recently expanded training and education program.
The Baltimore Station (formerly South Baltimore Homeless Shelter)
$75,000 / 2004 / Health and Human Services
Toward start-up and operating costs of the renovated Seton Hill fire station, now operating as a residential addiction recovery program for homeless men. With a 25-bed capacity, Seton Hill offers long-term supportive transitional services that address drug and alcohol addiction.