Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

We Rise, A Non-Profit Corporation

$100,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of general operations.

Baltimore Community ToolBank

$15,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of staff costs associated with the lending of tools and equipment to community-based member organizations for a nominal fee. Items are typically used for community cleanups, beautification, festivals, and other projects.

Black Women Build – Baltimore

$110,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of homebuyer incentives for Black women to purchase formerly vacant houses they help to renovate in West Baltimore. The initiative is intended to help Black women build carpentry and housing rehabilitation skills and enable wealth-building in communities that have historically been underinvested and undervalued.

Farm Alliance of Baltimore Inc.

$40,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of staffing for the Farm Alliance of Baltimore’s Double Dollars Program; incentivizing the use of federal SNAP, FMNP, and WIC benefits to purchase fruits and vegetables produced by urban farms; and nutrition education and cooking demonstrations.

Latino Economic Development Center

$50,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of Latino Economic Development Center’s business technical assistance and lending services to meet the needs of entrepreneurs and business owners from communities of color and underinvested communities in Baltimore. These services launch and expand businesses, create jobs, and build wealth.

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