Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Maryland Food Bank

$100,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
Capital funding for expansion of office/meeting space and parking lots, and for renovation of the lobby. To meet the increase in demand for food and expansion of its programming, the capital expansion plan will accommodate more staff and volunteers; bring about efficiency in service delivery; and improve the heating/air conditioning systems, while increasing energy efficiency.

Salvation Army

$5,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
For general support of services for the homeless and needy.

Adoptions Together, Inc.

$214,835 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
To partner with the Baltimore City Department of Social Services in a program to achieve permanency for 135 foster children. The program will identify and recruit family members and others who may be interested in adopting or becoming guardians. Once the children are placed with permanent families, the staff will create a plan for post-placement support.

Food Research & Action Center

$150,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of Maryland Hunger Solutions, an anti hunger advocacy program for low-income residents of Baltimore City to access federally funded nutrition programs, including food stamps and the WIC (Women, Infants, and Children) program. Focus will be placed on expanding the free classroom breakfast program; advocating for improved administrative and legislative policies to eliminate access barriers; and working to ensure Maryland’s participation in the newly approved federal after-school meal program, as well as weekend and holiday supper programs for children and adults.

Maryland Foster Youth Resource Center

$50,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
Continued funding of supportive services to current and former foster youth. The center provides information, training, service linkages, counseling, GED preparation, and job-training programs for youth transitioning from foster care to independent living.

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