Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Parkside Warriors

$5,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
Toward the purchase of football uniforms for up to 250 boys and girls who are participating in supervised after-school sports in the Belair-Edison neighborhood.

Catholic Charities

$50,890 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
Two grants for continued support of the Traveler’s Aid Voucher Program at the Samaritan Center. The purpose of the program is to assist homeless persons who want to move out of Baltimore City to reunite with family, find employment, and/or access treatment for substance abuse, by providing one-way travel vouchers. Persons using the program must have a contact in the destination city willing to assume responsibility for finding new accommodations for recipients of the travel vouchers.

Loving Arms, Inc.

$105,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
Two grants toward the purchase of a van and for operating costs of N. R. House, a residential facility providing food; short-term shelter; case management; outreach; and referral services for up to eight runaway, homeless youth and their families. The program expects to serve at least 50 homeless youth per year.

Paul’s Place, Inc.

$250,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
Toward funding of the Campaign for Paul’s Place, an effort to support and expand outreach services and programs for disadvantaged residents in Washington Village/Pigtown, and to develop a comprehensive case management program enabling clients to move beyond crisis to independence and productivity. The campaign’s goals include raising $1 million for client services; $500,000 for capital improvements to the Paul’s Place building; and $500,000 for repair and renovation of 35 homes in the Washington Village/Pigtown community.

Catholic Charities

$60,000 / 2011 / Health and Human Services
For continued support of eviction prevention and utility assistance for more than 500 low-income households at risk of becoming homeless or losing utility services. The program is administered by the Samaritan Center.

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