Read our new report: Evidence of Racial Bias in Home Appraisals in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area
Staff Biography

Tracey Barbour-Gillett

Program Officer, Community Development

As the Program Officer for Community Development, Tracey manages a grants portfolio focused on increasing investment in Baltimore City’s communities, supporting small businesses and individuals, and reducing environmental disparities. Her subject area focus includes: neighborhood stabilization and revitalization, social entrepreneurship, economic mobility and financial asset development, and community-led efforts to put green space and vacant properties to productive use.

Prior to joining the Foundation, she was project manager at a consulting firm focused on assisting nonprofit organizations with their organizational sustainability. She has also advocated for state-level implementation of housing and community development policies. Tracey is a graduate of American University with a bachelor’s degree in Political Science and has a master’s degree in Public Administration from the University of Baltimore. A native Baltimorean, she resides in Baltimore City with her husband.

Read more about Tracey’s program areas: Community Development and Arts