Publications Library

A Study of Barriers to the Placement of Foster Care Children in Permanent Homes

Recommendations for how to decrease the amount of time children stay in foster care and increase both the number of children who are adopted and the speed in which they are adopted.

Abell Salutes: The Barclay-Calvert Experiment

The four-year results are promising.

Hopkins School of Hygiene and Public Health is Making a Difference – from Baltimore to Bangladesh

Dean Alfred Sommer says, “We want to add more years, and more to the quality of those years, that an individual and a society can enjoy. The world must learn that prevention is cheaper than the cure.”

Casino Gambling: Should Baltimore Roll the Dice?

As gambling grows in popularity, income-hungry jurisdictions across America are increasingly viewing casino gambling as a panacea: a way to boost tax revenues, reverse downward job trends, and to attract tourism.

Abell Salutes: “Globetrotters”

Students have fun mapping their way to expanded knowledge of geography.

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