Publications Library

Mitigating the Effects of Divorce on Children Through Family­-Focused Court Reform

A growing body of social science evidence suggests that divorce poses significant and long-lasting risks for children.

Abell Salutes: Homeless Persons Representation Project

“We just wanted to make sure these people [at needle exchange sites and soup kitchens] got a fair shake.”

The Cultural Arts as Economic Development: What Baltimore Can Learn From Charlotte, N.C.

Can Baltimore position its considerable cultural arts assets to better serve the community? Is Charlotte’s effort a model?

Abell Salutes: Educational Opportunity Program at Lake Clifton High School

“Soft hearts and hard data” are making a difference . . .

Lowering Maryland’s State Personal Income Taxes to Stimulate Business Development: Myths and Realities

Once the facts are presented it becomes clear that Maryland’s state personal income tax is not out of line with other states and the more serious threat to future economic development may be the ability of state and local governments to provide the level and quality of services necessary to support that development.

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