Publications Library

Abell Salutes: The Baltimore Scholars Program of Johns Hopkins University

For changing lives by changing the rules.

Special Education in the Baltimore City High Schools: Perspectives, Challenges, Recommendations

At stake: the education due every student; the taxpayers’ dollars to support it; the viability of Baltimore City’s work force.

Abell Salutes: Baltimore CASH Campaign

For opening the door to financial services in communities where it’s usually shut.

In New Orleans, Death was Highest Among People who Lacked Access to Cars. In Baltimore City, the Percentage of Those with Lack-of-Access is Higher than New Orleans’s

The barriers to obtaining car insurance, inspection and licensing in Maryland are too high for Baltimore City’s poor. The once-a-century disaster in New Orleans highlights a day-to-day problem in Baltimore: the poor are not only left behind, they are left out.

A Teacher for Every Classroom

Traditional hiring of teachers vs. alternate routes in Baltimore City Public Schools.

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