Publications Library

How Course Redesign at the University of Maryland is Improving Learning, Lowering Costs, and Increasing Graduation Rates

Instructors and administrators give initiative high grades, making the University of Maryland a national leader in the program.

Indicators of Smart Growth in Maryland

An analysis of land-use indicators and trends to determine the effects of Maryland’s Smart Growth policies established in 1997.

Adjusting the Lens: A Window into the Needs of Men in Jail

This report summarizes the results of the self-reported survey of 200 men detained at the Baltimore City Detention Center (BCDC) conducted from May 2009 to July 2009, known as the Window Replication Project.

Abell Salutes: Allan M. Tibbels

In appreciation of his remarkable life in Sandtown.

Why Can’t Johnny Read?

Baltimore’s school-based vision-screening program may be leaving thousands of children with uncorrected eyesight problems. Six recommendations for strengthening the vision screening system in Baltimore City Public Schools.

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