Publications Library

Why Can’t Johnny Read?

Baltimore’s school-based vision-screening program may be leaving thousands of children with uncorrected eyesight problems. Six recommendations for strengthening the vision screening system in Baltimore City Public Schools.

Vitamins & Violence: Can Micronutrients Make Students Behave, Schools Safer and Test Scores Better?

Vitamins-and-violence theories remain tantalizing; the idea seems like common sense to many.

Foster Children Are Our Children

Are they finding homes with families they can call their own?

Abell Salutes: The Baltimore City College Speech and Debate Program

For adding successful years to its successful record of 138 years.

Baltimore City’s School Buildings Not Making the Grade: Nearly 9 in 10 Need Modernization to Accelerate Academic Gains

New ACLU report highlights need: four recommendations for getting the job done.

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