Publications Library

Getting Serious About Saving the Chesapeake Bay

After decades of broken promises, EPA and the other Bay States now say they are serious about cleaning up the Bay. The key will be holding them accountable.

Uncapping the Pros and Cons of a Bottle Deposit Program: Will a Beverage-Container Deposit Program Reduce Litter in Maryland? And At What Cost?

An examination of this issue—along with potential impacts on recycling rates, employment, beverage sales, and greenhouse gas emissions.

Sending Out An S.O.S. for SES (Supplemental Educational Services)

No Child Left Behind’s “free” tutoring program for poor children costs the public millions, but is it working in Baltimore City and Maryland schools?

Abell Salutes: Jericho

For teaching re-entering prisoners that to regain faith in society, they must regain faith in themselves.

Breaking the “Sickle Cycle”

Medical, educational, and employment crises that afflict thousands of Marylanders with sickle cell disease can be curtailed. So why does the sickle cycle persist? Here’s what experts say can be done.

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