Publications Library

Expanding Educational Opportunity in Maryland

An Abell-funded report by the Maryland Center on Economic Policy that examines the role of funding formulas in increasing equity.

Hope for Hemp? A Misunderstood Plant Prepares for its Comeback

Hemp offers opportunities for new products, good jobs, and wellness. It can replenish our soils; reduce our dependence on pesticides that harm rivers and streams, the air, and bee populations; and save much needed water, especially as droughts become more common with climate change.

Safe Consumption Spaces: A Strategy for Baltimore

In response to unprecedented rates of overdose deaths, enduring morbidities associated with drug use, and the failed war on drugs, there has been increased interest in the U.S. in creative and effective interventions aimed to reduce harm to drug users and the broader community.

Hospital Community Benefits and Health Care Reform in Maryland

Community benefit requirements coupled with Maryland’s new hospital payment system provide a powerful incentive for hospitals to invest in new strategies to address community health needs.

Abell Salutes: Urban Teachers

For successfully recruiting, training, certifying, and retaining highly effective teachers committed to teaching in Baltimore City Public Schools.

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