Read our new report: Evidence of Racial Bias in Home Appraisals in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area
The Abell Foundation offers flexible financing solutions to community partners that:
- Have 501c3 or 509a nonprofit tax status, or are a government agency or a fiscally sponsored project;
- All applicants must submit a copy of their IRS determination letter, federal tax identification number (EIN), or proof of fiscal sponsorship
- Operate programs or projects that fall into one of Abell’s program areas;
- Have a non-recurring funding need or unique capital challenge where a one-time, catalytic investment could make a significant impact;
- Have identified and secured a source of repayment; and
- Focus on Baltimore City.
The Abell Foundation can not provide PRIs for individuals. We do not fund against fundraising campaigns.
The Foundation considers the following criteria in its review of PRI requests:
- Demonstration of need and clearly defined goals and objectives
- Organizational capacity to achieve expected goals
- Evidence of financial stability
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Header photo courtesy of The Charles Theatre.