Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Healthy Neighborhoods, Inc.

$150,000 / 2021 / Community Development

In support of Healthy Neighborhoods’ core program activities, which focus on resident engagement, promotion of neighborhood assets, and investment in housing stock in 49 neighborhoods across Baltimore City.

Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition, Inc.

$50,000 / 2021 / Criminal Justice and Addiction

In support of general operations for Dee’s Place, an addiction recovery support program serving 5,000 individuals monthly through peer counseling, NA/AA meetings, auricular acupuncture, and connection to treatment programs and other support services.

Human Rights for Kids

$25,000 / 2021 / Criminal Justice and Addiction

In support of general operations for Human Rights for Kids, which works to advance criminal justice reform for children in Maryland through coalition building and public education. HRFK centers children’s exposure to trauma as the leading cause of juvenile delinquency and crime.

International Rescue Committee, Inc.

$49,000 / 2021 / Health and Human Services

In support of the International Rescue Committee’s emergency resettlement efforts for 1,100 Afghan Special Immigrants, which includes interpretation and translation services; the provision of housing, food, and transportation assistance; and immigration legal services.

Jews United for Justice

$75,000 / 2021 / Community Development

In support of advocacy for renters’ rights, stronger legal protections, and eviction prevention for renters in Baltimore City in collaboration with a coalition of organizations including Baltimore Renters United.

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