Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

D.C. Witness

$250,000 / 2021 / Criminal Justice and Addiction

In support of operations for Baltimore Witness, a court watch program providing transparency and accountability to Baltimore’s criminal justice system through data collection and reporting. Baltimore Witness relies on reporters covering every hearing of homicide and non-fatal shooting cases heard at the Baltimore City Circuit Court.

Environmental Defense Fund

$17,500 / 2021 / Environment

In support of the Clean Air for Baltimore initiative, which will reduce air pollution and associated health impacts from freight and cargo transportation in collaboration with the Port of Baltimore, one of Baltimore City’s largest and most concentrated sources of emissions.

Environmental Integrity Project

$50,000 / 2021 / Environment

In support of the Baltimore Environmental Justice Campaign, which acts on community environmental health concerns by strengthening state regulation of methane pollution from landfills and ash by-product from burning trash in incinerators, and encouraging waste reduction and diversion.

Fuel Fund of Maryland

$50,000 / 2021 / Community Development

In support of the Silver Lights initiative, which provides financial and educational resources to vulnerable Baltimore families and seniors experiencing difficulty with paying their heat and home utility expenses.

Grow Home Inc.

$50,000 / 2021 / Workforce Development

In support of the Baltimore Builders Workforce Development Program, providing 65 youth from the Brooklyn/Curtis Bay neighborhood with paid, on-the-job work experience in maintaining community gardens and completing other community improvement projects.

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