Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

The Work First Foundation

$200,000 / 2022 / Workforce Development

In support of providing employment services to returning citizens and an alternative to incarceration for those awaiting trial.

Turnaround Tuesday, Inc.

$125,000 / 2022 / Workforce Development

In support of Turnaround Tuesday, which focuses on finding and creating quality jobs –that pay over $16 per hour, offer medical and vacation benefits, and provide a career pathway — for over 200 Baltimore residents.

Waterkeepers Chesapeake

$35,000 / 2022 / Environment

In support of staff and research expenses associated with efforts to examine and recommend changes to Maryland’s environmental enforcement, specifically as it relates to water pollution and water quality.

4MyCiTy Inc.

$30,000 / 2021 / Community Development

In support of increasing staff capacity to rescue food from distributors as community donations, expand the network of partners serving food-insecure households, and divert food scraps from the waste stream through a free community composting program.

American Lung Association

$74,968 / 2021 / Health and Human Services

In support of providing health education, symptom monitoring, and medication support for children with severe asthma, using an app developed by Baltimore-based health technology firm emocha Health.

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