Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.


$50,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of research, analysis, and production of a prospectus for a large-scale financing strategy to tackle Baltimore’s vacant property crisis. ReBUILD Metro will engage partners to generate public and private support for targeted investment in building renovation, reuse, and re-occupancy.


$80,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of staffing costs to support implementation of the Vision Plan for Johnston Square. ReBUILD Metro renovates vacant houses and builds new market-stabilizing affordable housing to create opportunity and wealth for low-income residents, sustaining both small contractor businesses and local construction jobs.

Springboard Collaborative

$50,000 / 2022 / Education

In support of Springboard Collaborative’s personalized learning program, which aims to serve 3,000 students during two ten-week afterschool sessions in spring of 2022.

Tahirih Justice Center

$50,000 / 2022 / Health and Human Services

In support of general operations for Tahirih Justice Center, which provides free immigration and family law legal services and social services coordination to survivors of gender-based violence in Greater Baltimore and Maryland.

Teach For America Baltimore

$125,000 / 2022 / Education

In support of Teach For America’s efforts to find, develop, and support equity-oriented leaders to commit at least two years of teaching to high needs classrooms in Baltimore City.

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