Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
In support of research, analysis, and production of a prospectus for a large-scale financing strategy to tackle Baltimore’s vacant property crisis. ReBUILD Metro will engage partners to generate public and private support for targeted investment in building renovation, reuse, and re-occupancy.
In support of staffing costs to support implementation of the Vision Plan for Johnston Square. ReBUILD Metro renovates vacant houses and builds new market-stabilizing affordable housing to create opportunity and wealth for low-income residents, sustaining both small contractor businesses and local construction jobs.
In support of Springboard Collaborative’s personalized learning program, which aims to serve 3,000 students during two ten-week afterschool sessions in spring of 2022.
In support of general operations for Tahirih Justice Center, which provides free immigration and family law legal services and social services coordination to survivors of gender-based violence in Greater Baltimore and Maryland.
In support of Teach For America’s efforts to find, develop, and support equity-oriented leaders to commit at least two years of teaching to high needs classrooms in Baltimore City.
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