Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Johns Hopkins University Whiting School of Engineering

$150,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of the Baltimore Healthcare Innovator Retention fellowships to retain talented Johns Hopkins University biomedical engineering graduates to continue work on promising innovations that address critical healthcare challenges. The goals are to accelerate commercially marketable product development, attract investment, create companies, and generate local employment.

Meals on Wheels of Central Maryland, Inc.

$25,000 / 2022 / Health and Human Services

In support of the Food Access and Support Services Team project, which is designing an electronic referral mechanism that will enable healthcare providers to refer patients who have nutrition-related health conditions to nutrition support service providers.

Pro Bono Resource Center of Maryland, Inc.

$86,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of staff and project expenses associated with the Tax Sale Prevention Project. This project provides legal assistance, recourse information, and education to Baltimore City homeowners at risk of foreclosure to delinquent real property taxes.

Public Justice Center, Inc.

$150,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of legal services and advocacy to advance tenants’ rights to safe, habitable housing; prevent evictions; and increase housing security. The Public Justice Center provides full legal representation to tenants in court eviction proceedings and policy advocacy to challenge unjust practices that have a systemic impact on Baltimore renters.

Public Justice Center, Inc.

$50,000 / 2022 / Health and Human Services

In support of the Health and Benefits Rights project, which seeks to expand access to appropriate, affordable, and culturally competent healthcare and social services. This project currently focuses on expanding access to doula care, interpretation and translation, and medical debt restitution.

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