Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, Inc.

$80,000 / 2022 / Workforce Development

In support of the BioTechnical Institute of Maryland, which provides training for Baltimore residents to obtain jobs as entry-level technicians in the bio-pharma industry.

Blue Water Baltimore, Inc.

$50,000 / 2022 / Environment

In support of clean water and watershed protection, targeted policy work to elevate community concerns, legislative advocacy, and litigation to hold polluters accountable under the Clean Water Act. This grant provides staff support to address top pollutants plaguing Baltimore City and its waterways: stormwater runoff and sewage overflows.

Center for Urban Families, Inc.

$300,000 / 2022 / Workforce Development

In support of the Center for Urban Families’ economic success programming, which helps over 200 Baltimore residents to find and maintain employment.

Civil Justice, Inc.

$80,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of the Tenant Debt Collection Defense Project, which provides legal representation to low- and moderate-income tenant households facing unlawful eviction. The Civil Justice network of solo, small, and community-based lawyers is expected to serve 50 households and prevent and reduce amounts of judgments against tenants by $100,000.

Equal Justice Works

$150,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of the Equal Justice Works Housing Justice Program, which provides legal training and placement in civil justice organizations to prevent evictions and increase housing stability. The loss of a home through eviction destabilizes families, creating homelessness, disrupting children’s education, and causing or exacerbating chronic health issues.

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