Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
In support of staff and outreach costs associated with the Low Income Forgotten Tax (LIFT) program. LIFT helps low-income homeowners and renters access the Homeowners and Renters Tax Credit programs and other public benefits.
In support of Maryland Hunger Solutions’ Baltimore City SNAP outreach and enrollment campaign, which works to connect vulnerable populations with federally funded SNAP (food stamp) benefits, a key strategy in reducing food insecurity in Maryland.
In support of producing and disseminating a report on improving job quality for direct services workers in Baltimore.
In support of Modern Classrooms Project’s blended, self-paced, and mastery-based instructional support for 50 Baltimore City teachers.
In support of Moveable Feast’s Baltimore City meal delivery program, which prepares and delivers medically tailored meals and nutrition counseling to individuals who have diet-related health conditions, with the goal of achieving racial, social, and health equity.
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