Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Kids in Need of Defense

$50,000 / 2022 / Health and Human Services

In support of KIND-Baltimore’s general operations. KIND-Baltimore provides free legal representation to 500 unaccompanied immigrant children and youth each year.

The Literacy Lab

$75,000 / 2022 / Education

In support of The Literacy Lab’s evidence-based, small group tutoring program, serving over 850 students in Pre-K and K-3 classrooms in Baltimore City Public Schools during the 2022-2023 school year.

Lydia’s House in Southeast

$75,000 / 2022 / Workforce Development

In support of the Leaders in Transition program, assisting 40 Baltimore City High School students with disabilities to discover and pursue their career interests through paid work experience at healthcare institutions.

Marian House Inc.

$100,000 / 2022 / Criminal Justice and Addiction

In support of general operations for Marian House’s transitional housing program for single women. At this 14-bed facility, Marian House offers weekly individual and group counseling, and programs for daily living skills, educational goal attainment, and job training.

Maryland Citizens’ Health Initiative Education Fund Inc.

$75,000 / 2022 / Health and Human Services

In support of general operations for the Health Care for All Coalition – Maryland’s largest and most diverse coalition of health care consumers – as it focuses on improving the Easy Enrollment Program, insurance subsidies for young adults, and the Prescription Drug Affordability Board; and launches a resolution to expand insurance access to all Marylanders, regardless of immigration status.

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