Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Banner Neighborhoods Community Corporation

$100,000 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of general operations for staff and programs supporting senior homeowner repair, summer youth employment, and youth sports in Southeast and East Baltimore.

Be Org Inc.

$30,000 / 2022 / Education

In support of general operating expenses for The Be.Org, a mentoring, workforce development, and STEM program serving around 250 students across eight school sites.

Community Wealth Builders, Fiscally Sponsored by Maryland Philanthropy Network

$36,750 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of efforts to deepen community investment in Baltimore’s local, minority-owned businesses and community wealth building through the Crowdfund Baltimore platform.

Economic Action Maryland

$119,600 / 2022 / Community Development

In support of expanding services to assist Baltimore residents in landlord-tenant matters with bilingual financial counseling support as a complement to tenant advocacy and financial case management services.

Environmental Defense Fund

$75,000 / 2022 / Environment

In support of leveraging federal resources to implement projects that will reduce emissions and and associated health impacts from freight and cargo transportation in collaboration with the Port of Baltimore, one of Baltimore City’s largest and most concentrated sources of emissions.

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