Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Civic Works Inc.

$80,000 / 2023 / Community Development

In support of outreach and application assistance to increase low-income household participation in utility benefits, including water affordability, energy bill-pay assistance, and broadband access.

The Community School

$25,000 / 2023 / Education

In support of the academic and mentoring program at The Community School.

Energy Justice Network

$50,000 / 2023 / Environment

In support of staff and operational costs for the Clean Air Baltimore Coalition project, which focuses on deconstruction instead of demolition for older buildings, and building decarbonization with a focus on meeting the city’s climate goals by electrifying the district energy heating system.

Fuel Fund of Maryland

$50,000 / 2023 / Community Development

In support of the Silver Lights energy assistance program for Baltimore City seniors and households with critical medical needs, which provides one-one-one navigational support for accessing utility fee assistance.

Grow Home Inc.

$60,000 / 2023 / Workforce Development

In support of establishing a youth apprenticeship program and expanding the Baltimore Builders program, providing 65 youth from the Brooklyn/Curtis Bay neighborhood with paid work experience and exposure to careers in high-growth industries.

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