Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Vehicles for Change Inc.

$200,000 / 2023 / Workforce Development

In support of providing 50 previously incarcerated individuals with paid work experience in car repair at Vehicle for Change’s Full Circle Service Center. Program graduates are placed into jobs as certified automotive mechanics, earning at least $17 per hour.

Venture For America

$185,000 / 2023 / Community Development

In support of costs related to recruiting, selecting, training, and placing a diverse cohort of 16-20 Venture for America Fellows with some of the 400+ startup companies and entrepreneurship support organizations in Baltimore in 2023.

Y of Central Maryland

$75,000 / 2023 / Education

In support of New Horizons II, a year-round program supporting internships and wraparound supports to 46 Baltimore City participants.

Arts for Learning Maryland

$40,000 / 2023 / Education

In support of capacity building at three new community school sites.

Baltimore Community ToolBank

$15,000 / 2023 / Community Development

In support of staff costs associated with the lending of tools and equipment to community based member organizations for a nominal fee. Items are typically used for community clean-ups, beautification, festivals, and other projects.

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