Read our new report: Evidence of Racial Bias in Home Appraisals in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area

Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Greater Baltimore Urban League

$100,000 / 2018 / Community Development
In support of the Raymond V. Haysbert Center for Entrepreneurship at the Greater Baltimore Urban League.

The Community School, Inc.

$20,000 / 2018 / Education

For the final build out of the fourth year of the diploma program at the newly-certified, non-public Community School, an accelerated academic and
mentoring high school for students who have failed in Baltimore City Public Schools.

Civic Works, Inc.

$100,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of efforts to strengthen the financial resilience of low-income Baltimore households through critical energy efficiency improvements, water pipe repairs, health and safety services, and access to benefits.

Center for Urban Families, Inc.

$350,000 / 2018 / Workforce Development

For continued support of STRIVE Baltimore, a job training and placement service for men and women.


$125,000 / 2018 / Workforce Development

In support of the Turnaround Tuesday jobs movement which aims to place Baltimore City residents in jobs to earn a livable wage.

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