Read our new report: Evidence of Racial Bias in Home Appraisals in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area

Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Belair-Edison Neighborhoods, Inc.

$35,000 / 2018 / Community Development

In support of providing general operating support for neighborhood stabilization and revitalization in Belair-Edison.

Baltimore Community Rowing

$10,000 / 2018 / Health and Human Services

In support of Reach High Baltimore, an after-school rowing program for Baltimore City middle and high school students.

Baltimore City Health Department

$208,651 / 2018 / Health and Human Services

For support of Vision for Baltimore, an initiative to provide vision screening and eyeglasses for Baltimore City elementary and middle school students.

Advocates for Children and Youth

$50,000 / 2018 / Health and Human Services

In support of activities to improve the outcomes for Baltimore City’s foster and homeless youth.

Leadership for Educational Equity

$35,000 / 2017 / Education

In support of conducting statewide public opinion research in June 2017 to prepare for the Kirwan Commission school funding advocacy work.

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