Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
The Baltimore Healthcare Innovator Retention Program fellowship stipends enable talented Johns Hopkins University biomedical engineering students to continue working on promising healthcare innovations after they complete their graduate studies. These teams of Fellows operative as virtual startups creating commercially viable products, seeking follow-on funding, and creating new companies. The program maximizes the translation of discovery and invention from the University biomedical program into income-generating companies which have the potential to generate local employment.
With a goal to close the persistent “excellence gap” between sub-groups of advanced learners, the Baltimore Emerging Scholars Program targets students in grades 2-4 who show potential for becoming academically advanced as well as the teachers who work with them. Run by the renowned Hopkins Center for Talented Youth, this program serves 600 students in 18 schools (identified without using a test) with weekly 90-minute enrichment lessons around an interdisciplinary theme. The Abell grant will enable Emerging Scholars to develop a 5th grade curriculum entitled “Recover, Repair, Rebuild,” and to train 5th grade teachers to use the curriculum reaching an additional 400 5th grade students. The project will follow the trajectories of participating students into middle school.
Food & Water Watch will provide research, education and advocacy around issues of affordability of water and wastewater consumption in Baltimore City by low income customers. Grant funding will be used toward best practices information from a research consultant and expert on utility affordability, the production and distribution of educational and promotional materials, and staff costs of outreach, civic engagement and community education about water utility customer affordability issues.
Certified in 2014 as a small non-public diploma-awarding high school, The Community School in Remington has successfully served students who have failed in Baltimore City Public Schools for over 30 years. This storefront school provides up to 24 14-19 year olds with an accelerated academic and mentoring high school program that reinforces basic skills, while individualized instruction builds knowledge and skills for college, competitive employment, and community contribution. Over 40 volunteers work individually with students, and The Community School boasts a daily attendance above 95% and a college enrollment rate of 65%.
This Abell grant will support two-year operational funding to The Maryland Alliance of Public Charter Schools (Alliance) to serve the 50 charter schools in Maryland, 34 of which are in Baltimore City. As a voice for charter school communities, the Alliance advocates for equitable and transparent conditions for public charter schools; offers support to new and existing public charter schools; and drives the discussion around innovative educational practices that lead to positive outcomes for students. A major focus on this work is in Baltimore City, where 1 in 5 City public school students attends a charter school; 65% of Baltimore’s charter schools outperform the mean achievement performance of traditional schools.
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