Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
American Communities Trust partners with organizations to create community investment strategies that maximize community benefit and encourage long-¬term partnerships and accountability. The Last Mile Park pilot project will increase public safety through improved lighting and activation of a new public space. This grant provides support for implementation and engineering documents.
Advocates for Children and Youth (ACY) is an independent organization dedicated to promoting the interests of children and families in Maryland through research, policy development, community outreach, media relations, and government relations. ACY is one of the leading champions of policies in Maryland that advance the interests of children across a broad range of issues, including education, child welfare, juvenile justice and health care. This grant supports ACY’s child welfare program, which focuses on the needs of foster and homeless youth in Maryland.
To support the deployment of security officers at intersections in the Downtown business district to decrease negative interactions between motorists and squeegee kids and adults. The officers interact with the window washers who work at these intersections to determine if they can be connected to traditional work opportunities or services as needed.
The major thrust of the three-year B-Power initiative is to coordinate, enhance and expand dual enrollment options offered jointly to Baltimore City Schools by University of Baltimore, Coppin, Morgan and Baltimore City High Schools with a goal to serve 525 high school students annually by 2021. In the next 18 months, UB will collaborate with BCCC specifically to improve the access of students to credit coursework in math, adopt UB’s successful 2 semester college readiness course eliminating ACCUPLACER, and improve the quality of instruction. In addition to the already-funded 230 UB dual enrollment seats for 2019-2020, this project will add 60 seats each semester at three new high schools. The grant will also develop a full menu of dual enrollment options at the 4 higher ed institutions by the 2020-2021 school year.
Baltimore City College’s Speech and Debate extracurricular program traces its beginnings to 1878. Revitalized in 1997 by Gil Sandler and Abell Foundation funding, The Speech and Debate team has grown into a regional and national powerhouse for preparing up to 70 students annually for competitive colleges, This grant provides a $100,000 contribution to the Speech and Debate endowment fund in honor of the passing of Gilbert Sandler, and two years of operating funding at $25,000 per year.
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