Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
BioEYES is a week-long, hands-on biology unit delivered by Carnegie science outreach educators (with co-teaching from City classroom teachers), using live fish as subjects. The program meets the Common Core science standards, and it demonstrates—and prepares teachers for—a student-centered approach to science instruction. BioEYES allows Baltimore City students and teachers access to the world of high caliber, Nobel Prize-level science. In a recent study (Shuda, Butler, Farber, and Vary, 2015), the authors found significant gains in students’ knowledge and attitudes towards science as a result of BioEYES.
It is expected that 3,400 8th grade students (approximately 60% of 8th grade students) will experience BioEYES in the 2019/20 school year, with the remaining teachers trained next summer.
B’More Clubhouse, founded in 2009, is a community in mid-town where adults living with mental illness receive supportive services. Accredited by Clubhouse International, the organization benefits from the strengths of a national and international network of 292 accredited Clubhouses in 34 countries. B’More Clubhouse has an active membership of 120 and an average of 40 members in attendance on any given day. Services include employment assistance, housing access, and connections to community resources. This grant helped support the partial salary of the program’s social worker/program director.
Benefits Data Trust (BDT) is a national nonprofit organization that assists low income individuals to access state and federal aid programs to meet their financial needs. BDT leverages partnerships with government agencies to conduct outreach to individuals who may be eligible for government assistance programs that they are not currently recieving. Using highly trained screening and enrollment staff and customized technology, BDT screens these individuals to assess their eligibility for a range of public benefit programs and assists them to enroll in those programs for which they are eligible, helping to lift them out of poverty. BDT operates programs in six states. This grant supports BDT’s Maryland Benefits Center.
Founded in 1984, the Fund for Educational Excellence (The Fund) is a Baltimore-based organization that supports public education through its fundraising and collaboration with Baltimore City Schools, convening and technical support to education non-profits. This operating grant enables The Fund to produce community-sourced education reports and then act upon recommendations, provide stewartship for over $20 million in philanthropic suport for innovative programs in City Schools, and convene diverse organizations and education partners to identify, facilitate and accelerate efforts to improve student achievement in Baltimore. Noteworthy are the Fund’s recent fundraising to support the City Sshools Blueprint, its grant awards to School Principals, and its operation of the successful Chicago Parents Program.
Funding from the Abell Foundation will support the Baltimore Police Deparment’s efforts to send six BPD leaders to the Senior Management Institute for Police (SMIP). SMIP is a program of the Police Executive Leadership Forum (PERF) that provides police executives with intensive training in the latest management concepts and practices used in business and government. It is designed for mid-upper level police executives who will ultimately serve in leading roles in their police agencies.
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