Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
Parks & People Foundation builds and revitalizes public spaces, supports greening groups and nonprofits with material and grant donations, and hosts out-of-school time programs for city-youth from low-income backgrounds that integrate environmental education, outdoor experiences, and social-emotional development. This grant supported the middle school sports program, which provides public school students after-school athletic enrichment with an integrated character development curriculum. Sports offered using a non-traditional model include soccer, baseball, volleyball, kickball, basketball, and flag football.
Funding from the Abell Foundation will support the salary of a Warrant Service Analyst who will assit with evalutating and reconfiguring Baltimore City’s warrant service to focus on violent and repeat offenders. By prioritizing warrants, the Police Department and the Sheriff’s Department increase the likelihood that law enforcement will catch violent and repeat offenders and will help both agencies more effectively deploy limited resources.
With Abell start-up funding, New Leaders has recruited, trained, supported, and developed 111 principals in Baltimore City Public Schools since 2005. In collaboration with City Schools, New Leaders will launch a new two year Principal Preparation Academy that combines a Foundational Year with the second year Residency Year. In addition to its Induction Academy for 10 first-year New Leaders principals, the organization will train up to 40 leaders in 2019-20 and produce 9 new prinicpals in Summer 2020.
Maryland MENTOR was founded in 2018 as the Maryland affiliate of MENTOR: the National Mentoring Partnership. This organization has a mission to increase the quality and quantity of mentoring relationships and to close the mentoring gap across the State and the City of Baltimore by working with mentoring programs serving vulnerable young people. This grant supported Maryland MENTOR’s general expenses, particularly relating to the delivery of technical assistance and trainings on evidence-based mentoring best practices, the launch of the Maryland MENTOR Quality Program Partner pilot initiative, and the execution of targeted outreach to expand the Mentoring Connector database.
Maryland Hemp Educational Corporation was newly formed to provide the public with research, information and educational resources on industrial hemp and to promote the development of a hemp industry in Maryland. Recent changes in law allows the cultivation and sale of hemp, a crop with wide ranging uses and applications including rope, fabrics, paper, insulation and construction materials, as well as food and beverage products. Education and outreach efforts will include creation of a website, sponsored training and navigating the regulatory process for growing and processing hemp.
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