Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
Locally, outfitters, kayak clubs, and the Baltimore Department of Recreation & Parks have seen an increased demand for paddle sports. There are currently no clear instructions and limited guidance for safe paddling in the Baltimore Harbor. With infrastructure, information, and programming the Baltimore Harbor can become an accessible destination for paddlers. This grant provided support for costs associated with the creation of a Master Plan for water trails and paddle craft access points in the Baltimore Harbor.
The Urban Alliance Foundation (UA) was founded in 1996 in Washington, D.C. with the goal of providing young people with meaningful work experiences and access to better jobs. The overarching goal of the Urban Alliance is to equip youth to successfully transition to the working world by providing paid internships, mentoring from an adult professional, case management, trainings focused on college and career skills, and post internship wrap around support. This current Abell Foundation grant will support their CTE program focused on providing internship placements in the area of construction. In partnership with employers, the Urban Alliance CTE program prepares high school seniors for careers in construction and related industries through sector-based internships, industry training, professional mentoring, and case management.
Administered by the Francis King Carey School of Law, the Rebuild Overcome and Roar (ROAR) Center is a “one stop shop” in Baltimore City where survivors of crime can access a full range of wraparound legal, supportive social and nursing care, and mental health services in one location. With funding from the Abell Foundation, one of ROAR’s staff attorneys will be dedicated to representing survivors of homicide, non-fatal gun shots, and those who are identified as being gang involved, and who have been victims of crime themselves.
HealthySteps is an evidence-based model that embeds a child development professional into pediatric care to promote positive parenting and healthy development for babies and toddlers from birth to age five. The University of Maryland School of Medicine (UMSOM) implements HealthySteps at two sites: the UMSOM Family Medicine Practice and the University of Maryland Medical Center Midtown Campus Pedatric practice. This grant will strengthen data collection capacity so that ultimately, UMSOM can analyze the program’s return on investment and advocate for insurance reimbursement of the program’s prevention services.
The Tahirih Justice Center represents immigrant women and girls seeking protection from gender-based human rights abuses, including domestic violence and sexual assault. Tahirih provides free immigration and family law services and social service coordination to about 290 women a year and their families. This grant provides general operating support to Tahirih’s Baltimore Field Office.
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