Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
Leveling the Playing Field collects and redistributes used and excess sporting equipment to schools and organizations serving low-income children. The donated equipment enables programs to pass on the savings to families through reduced or free registration fees or expanded programming. Last year, the organization collected more than $850,000 worth of donated equipment from more than 120 different organizations and people. It was able to distribute about $475,000 worth of equipment to Baltimore-area partner organizations during COVID 19, as well as 2,100 Sports Kits to City youth through City Schools’ meal sites. This grant supports Leveling the Playing Field’s general operating costs.
Latino Economic Development Center offers access to business resources and loan capital to meet the needs of underserved communities and communities of color in Baltimore to start and grow businesses, create jobs, and build wealth. Their small business coaches provide one-on-one technical assistance and workshops/courses related to business planning, financial management, incorporation, licensing and permitting, accounting, marketing and technology integration. Lending staff are trained to provide micro-loans ranging from $500 to $50,000 and larger loans up to $250,000.
The Ingenuity Project provides students with rigorous math and science courses and experiences that prepare and inspire a pursuit of advanced STEM learning. The program provides gifted programming to a cohort of diverse students that reflects the race, ethnicity, gender, and income of Baltimore City. Ingenuity middle school programming currently takes place at four locations throughout the city, while the high school program, taking place at Baltimore Polytechnic High School, aligns to the highest standards in math and science, enabling every student to participate in a research or STEM practicum experience.
Students in the iMentor program receive classes preparing them for college and career access during the school day via a weekly course that is facilitated by an iMentor’s school-based program manager. Through their iMentor classes, each student works to develop an individualized Post-Secondary Pathway (PSP). iMentor participants leverage high-impact mentoring relationships to explore careers, become competitive for jobs, secure employment, and succeed in a targeted profession.
Homeless Persons Representation Project (HPRP) provides free legal services to people experiencing homelessness throughout Maryland, and advocates for long-term solutions to homelessness. This grant supports HPRP’s Homeless Youth Initiative, which provides direct representation to unaccompanied homeless youth on a range of legal needs, engages in state and local coalitions to address the needs of homeless youth, and advocates for policy solutions to youth homelessness in Maryland.
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