Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.
The Maryland Dental Action Coalition (MDAC) is a statewide dental access advocacy group. Over the past several years, MDAC has been steadily building the case for expanding access to comprehensive adult dental coverage for all Medicaid recipients. This grant supports MDAC’s efforts to pass such legislation in the upcoming 2022 session.
IAHR represents people of faith who educate and advocate in Maryland, DC and Virginia for corrections systems that avoid unnecessarily punitive practices such as solitary confinement and that instead focus on rehabilitation and successful reentry. Funding from the Abell Foundation will allow IAHR to continue working with its Maryland partners on and ending the practice of solitary confinement in Maryland.
Intercultural Counseling Connection provides therapeutic services for asylum-seekers and forced migrants in Baltimore through a pro-bono referral network of mental health professionals, as well as high quality interpretation in any language. Its clients are from over 30 different countries and have experienced extreme violence, including torture. Intercultural Couseling Connection serves about 100 clients a year in individual and group therapy. This grant is for general operating support.
The Govans Ecumenical Development Corp. (GEDCO) operates the CARES food pantry and drop-in center in the Govans neighborhood in North-Central Baltimore City. CARES provides food, emergency financial assistance and employment counseling to more than 4,000 individuals each year. Among other resources, CARES provides eviction prevention funds to approximately 200 households per year, although the demand for eviction prevention assistance far exceeds the resources that CARES has available. To better address this need, CARES developed a new project to assist individuals who are threatened with eviction to access federally-funded Emergency Rental Assistance Program (ERAP) funds. This grant supports a part-time CARES staff person who assists clients to complete ERAP applications and monitors those applications to ensure clients are able to obtain the funds needed to avoid eviction. The grant also provides eviction prevention funds for households that do not qualify to receive ERAP assistance.
From Prison Cells to PhD was created in 2016 to help people with criminal convictions obtain employment and/or postsecondary education (PSE). Clients receive workforce development training, career readiness skills, college application/readiness assistance, and 1-2 years or more of mentoring. Funding from the Abell Foundation will support its Prison to Professional (P2P) program providing these services to individuals recently released from the Baltimore City Detention Center (BCDC). P2P will serve 80 individuals in several cohorts over the next year virtually and if restrictions allow at some point in-person.
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