Past Grants

Past grants archive does not include small grants of $10,000 or less.

Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm / Ridge to Reefs

$33,891 / 2021 / Community Development

In support of staffing and infrastructure investments for Plantation Park Heights Urban Farm as it works to expand production, educate students and volunteers, and increase the availability of fresh nutritious fruits and vegetables grown on reclaimed vacant land.

Southeast Community Development Corporation

$99,623 / 2021 / Workforce Development

In support of providing youth who reside in the McElderry Park and Ellwood Park neighborhoods with paid work opportunities eliminating trash and reducing illegal dumping to create a safer and cleaner environment.

Sugar Free Kids Maryland, Fiscally Sponsored by Center for a Healthy Maryland

$75,000 / 2021 / Health and Human Services

In support of Sugar Free Kids Maryland’s community-organizing efforts to help pass an excise tax on sugar sweetened beverages (SSBs) – a proven strategy to decrease consumption.

The Literacy Lab

$75,000 / 2021 / Education

In support of The Literacy Lab’s expansion of evidence-based, small group, and individualized literacy tutoring to serve over 1,000 students in Pre-K and K-3 classrooms in Baltimore City Public Schools during the 2021-2022 school year.

The Maryland Book Bank Inc.

$50,000 / 2021 / Education

In support of the Maryland Book Bank’s plan to equip three evidence-based high-dosage tutoring programs in Baltimore with books matched to each student’s individual reading ability and interest.

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