Read our new report: Evidence of Racial Bias in Home Appraisals in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area
Staff Biography

Joe Manko

Program Officer, Education

As the Program Officer for Education, Joe manages a portfolio of projects and partnerships focused on expanding educational opportunities for children in Baltimore City from early childhood through K-12 and into postsecondary education. In addition to reviewing proposals and conducting site visits in schools and learning sites across the City, Joe connects grantees with resources and partners with educational leaders, advocates, and policy makers in Baltimore and across Maryland.

Prior to joining the Foundation in 2020, Joe worked as a classroom teacher and served as an elementary school principal in Baltimore City. At the Foundation, Joe is able to harness his eighteen years of experience as a school-level practitioner to provide insights on how grant funding may impact schools and children. Joe graduated from UCLA with a bachelor’s degree in history and political science, completed two master’s degrees in teaching and education from Johns Hopkins University, and received his doctorate in philosophy from the University of Maryland, College Park, writing his dissertation on community schools. Joe also serves as one of seven members of the Maryland Accountability and Implementation Board (AIB), the group tasked with overseeing successful implementation of the landmark Blueprint for Maryland’s Future.

Read more about Joe’s program area: Education