Read our new report: Later School Start Times for Adolescents in Baltimore City Public Schools


The Abell Foundation awards grants to nonprofit community partners working to improve the quality of life in Baltimore. We provide seed funding for innovative pilots, support for ongoing community programs and services, and funding for capital projects. In addition to providing grant funding, the Foundation supports our nonprofit partners through connection to our local and national networks, as well as our team’s deep experience in and knowledge of Baltimore as it relates to our program areas.

Learn More About Our Process

Submit an Application

Considering Applying?

First-time applicants with grant requests greater than $10,000 should reach out to an Abell staff member to discuss their idea or submit a short letter of inquiry prior to submitting a regular grant application.

Ready to Apply for a Small Grant?

For first-time or returning applicants with grant requests of $10,000 or less. We accept and review small grant applications on a rolling basis. There is no deadline to apply for a small grant.

Ready to Apply for a Regular Grant?

For returning applicants and those who have a verified fit with the Foundation’s priorities for requests greater than $10,000. Regular grant applications are reviewed at one of five Board meetings each year.

Returning to a Saved Application or Submitting a Report?

Log into the grant portal below to return to a saved application or submit a report for a previously awarded grant. Report forms can be found under the “Requirements” tab.

See Our Past Grants

Archdiocese of Baltimore

$85,000 / 2003 / Education
To provide scholarships enabling Baltimore City at-risk students to attend parochial schools in Baltimore City during the 2003-2004 school year, as part of a longitudinal study to compare academic achievement of students at parochial schools with the control group at public schools. By participating in this model program, the at-risk students are expected to benefit from smaller classes, one-on-one instruction, and a more structured educational setting.

Archdiocese of Baltimore

$15,000 / 2003 / Education
To help pay tuition at area parochial schools for children of families living in the Patterson Park community.

American Civil Liberties Union Foundation of Maryland

$50,000 / 2003 / Education
For support of the Baltimore City Education Reform Project, designed to ensure that schools serving disadvantaged students receive adequate and equitable funding.

Scenic Maryland, Inc.

$5,000 / 2003 / Environment
Continued support for statewide scenic conservation efforts. The objectives of the program are to educate citizens about scenic conservation, serve as a local watchdog on billboard measures, and work in partnership with other conservation organizations to protect Maryland’s scenic beauty.

Maryland Public Interest Research Foundation

$38,500 / 2003 / Environment
For continued funding of the Preventable Poisons Project, an initiative to reduce mercury and dioxin pollution from medical waste incinerators in Maryland.

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