
The Abell Foundation awards grants to nonprofit community partners working to improve the quality of life in Baltimore. We provide seed funding for innovative pilots, support for ongoing community programs and services, and funding for capital projects. In addition to providing grant funding, the Foundation supports our nonprofit partners through connection to our local and national networks, as well as our team’s deep experience in and knowledge of Baltimore as it relates to our program areas.

Learn More About Our Process

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Considering Applying?

First-time applicants with grant requests greater than $10,000 should reach out to an Abell staff member to discuss their idea or submit a short letter of inquiry prior to submitting a regular grant application.

Ready to Apply for a Small Grant?

For first-time or returning applicants with grant requests of $10,000 or less. We accept and review small grant applications on a rolling basis. There is no deadline to apply for a small grant.

Ready to Apply for a Regular Grant?

For returning applicants and those who have a verified fit with the Foundation’s priorities for requests greater than $10,000. Regular grant applications are reviewed at one of five Board meetings each year.

Returning to a Saved Application or Submitting a Report?

Log into the grant portal below to return to a saved application or submit a report for a previously awarded grant. Report forms can be found under the “Requirements” tab.

See Our Past Grants

Johns Hopkins University Center for Social Concern

$5,000 / 2008 / Health and Human Services
Toward the launching of the 95 Percenters, an initiative designed to mentor at-risk male youth in Baltimore’s inner city.

Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health

$24,754 / 2008 / Health and Human Services
To develop and disseminate a report on the potential effects of an alcohol tax increase on the public health and economy in Maryland.

The Humanitarian, Inc.

$14,000 / 2008 / Health and Human Services
For support of mentor training materials, trainer/consultant, and mentoring screening fees to expand an after-school mentoring program for 80 at-risk youth in selected West Baltimore communities. Up to 40 mentors, trained by consultants certified by the Maryland Mentoring Partnership, will commit to participate in the program for at least one year and meet with the mentee for at least eight hours a month. The mentors will focus on helping each mentee reach his or her goals and develop decision-making skills.

Homeless Persons Representation Project, Inc.

$75,000 / 2008 / Health and Human Services
For support of “Housing First,” a program designed to reduce chronic homelessness by providing immediate access to permanent housing, coupled with voluntary services to address underlying problems, such as mental illness and addictions. Funds from the grant will address legal issues related to the administration of the program, how candidates for the program are identified and assessed, and how to assure the legal rights of homeless individuals.

Historic East Baltimore Community Action Coalition, Inc. (HEBCAC)

$90,000 / 2008 / Health and Human Services
Three-year funding to provide mental health screening, education, and treatment for youth enrolled in the HEBCAC Youth Opportunity employment and training program. In partnership with Johns Hopkins Center for Adolescent Health, the program will focus on mental health education and staff training to address mental health needs of clients and increase the capacity to provide on-site treatment. By reducing the stigma associated with mental health treatment, the program anticipates that more clients will access available on-site mental health services. The program will track data on length and type of services received, retention in the program, GED attainment, and job placement.

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