
The Abell Foundation awards grants to nonprofit community partners working to improve the quality of life in Baltimore. We provide seed funding for innovative pilots, support for ongoing community programs and services, and funding for capital projects. In addition to providing grant funding, the Foundation supports our nonprofit partners through connection to our local and national networks, as well as our team’s deep experience in and knowledge of Baltimore as it relates to our program areas.

Learn More About Our Process

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Considering Applying?

First-time applicants with grant requests greater than $10,000 should reach out to an Abell staff member to discuss their idea or submit a short letter of inquiry prior to submitting a regular grant application.

Ready to Apply for a Small Grant?

For first-time or returning applicants with grant requests of $10,000 or less. We accept and review small grant applications on a rolling basis. There is no deadline to apply for a small grant.

Ready to Apply for a Regular Grant?

For returning applicants and those who have a verified fit with the Foundation’s priorities for requests greater than $10,000. Regular grant applications are reviewed at one of five Board meetings each year.

Returning to a Saved Application or Submitting a Report?

Log into the grant portal below to return to a saved application or submit a report for a previously awarded grant. Report forms can be found under the “Requirements” tab.

See Our Past Grants

Dyslexia Tutoring Program

$15,000 / 2012 / Education
Toward support of tutoring services for up to 125 low-income children attending Baltimore City Public Schools. Students receive up to 60 hours of weekly, hour-long, one-on-one reading instruction based on the Orton Gillingham reading methodology. The program offers eight in-service workshops for teachers representing 25 Title l schools, and is currently training 110 tutors.

Curry School of Education Foundation, Inc.

$100,000 / 2012 / Education
Toward support of Project CYCLE, a tested teacher coaching model, designed to improve performance and retention of teachers in Baltimore City Public Schools.

Cristo Rey Jesuit High School

$63,285 / 2012 / Education
To provide full scholarships for the remaining years of four existing foster care students, and scholarships for six additional Abell scholars who are either in foster care or are experiencing homelessness.

Community College of Baltimore County Foundation

$218,250 / 2012 / Education
For support of the new Aspiring Scholars Scholarship Program, which provides performance-based scholarships for 75 graduates of Baltimore City Public Schools entering the Community College of Baltimore County. The scholars are linked to a facilitator who ensures the students are registering for appropriate courses, familiar with their own performance levels, and referred to campus resources for support.

CollegeBound Foundation, Inc.

$81,000 / 2012 / Education
To fund the final year of the College Retention Project for Last Dollar Grant recipients at participating colleges. The program provides 280 Baltimore City public school graduates with services that include maintaining contact with students, and providing financial aid, assistance with course selection, and remedial services. Intent is to increase the six-year college graduation rate for Last Dollar Scholars from 50 percent to 60 percent.

Header photo courtesy of Thread.