Read our new report: Evidence of Racial Bias in Home Appraisals in the Baltimore Metropolitan Area


We support programs aimed at achieving a cleaner, healthier environment and protecting and preserving the natural resources of Baltimore and Maryland. We seek to ensure environmental health and justice, recognizing that Black neighborhoods and low-income residents often bear disproportionate health burdens from environment pollution and benefit last from environmental technology and innovation. 

Our environmental research reports and grantmaking focus on:

  • Improving air and water quality by reducing pollution 
  • Mitigating climate change 
  • Increasing low-income individuals’ access to clean energy 
  • Creating local jobs in emerging green industries
Program Officer: Beth Harber

Considering Applying?

Learn more about our eligibility and review criteria, and small and regular grants processes.

See Our Grants Process

Featured Work in Environment

Photo courtesy of Blue Water Baltimore.

Case Study: Blue Water Baltimore

Blue Water Baltimore (BWB) plays an important citizen watchdog role in watershed protection and enhancement by delivering on its mission to strengthen communities, improve public health, and advance water quality improvements. The organization employs targeted advocacy to address adverse impacts of inadequate stormwater and wastewater systems through infrastructure improvements and deploys green infrastructure assets such as trees, bioswales, and rain gardens.

Abell Report: The Trouble with STRIDE

Ten years ago, Maryland’s legislature passed a bill to expedite utilities’ replacement of their natural gas pipes in the name of safety. Since then, Maryland has adopted ambitious climate goals that will require the near elimination of natural gas use in homes by 2045. Yet the state continues to allow utilities to invest billions in replacing pipes, which consumers will have to pay for — with a profit for the utilities — for decades to come.

Photo courtesy of Wide Angle Media for Civic Works.

Abell-Supported Research: Energy Efficiency for Everyone

The 2008 EmPOWER Maryland Act has helped the state make important strides in energy efficiency and affordability. In this report Maryland PIRG and the Frontier Group analyze its successes and suggest reforms to help it better meet Maryland’s evolving climate goals and the needs of residents.

Past Grants

Learn more about our grantees and their work to enhance the quality of life in Baltimore.
Filter our past grants by year or program area, or search by keyword.

See Our Past Grants

Contact Us

Have questions or want to discuss your idea for the environment in Baltimore? Get in touch using the form below.

    Header photo courtesy of Baltimore Green Space.